Custom Printed Boxes

Sip, Savor, & Stand Out: Elevate Your Brand with Bottle Neckers

Bottle Neckers

In the modern era of digital advertising, it’s easy to overlook the impact that good old fashioned print marketing can still have. Bottle Neckers online campaigns have their place, printed materials exude quality and foster trust in a way that digital often can’t match. For wine, spirits and food companies that rely heavily on branding, print collateral is still a very effective way to reach customers.

packlynx Bottle Neckers is a leader in custom print marketing solutions for liquid product brands. With decades of experience in the beverage alcohol industry, we understand what it takes to craft premium print pieces that capture attention and drive sales. In this article, we’ll explore why print remains crucial for liquid brands and share some top print campaign concepts that produce real results.

The Advantages of Print

Print materials like brochures, sell sheets, labels and more offer some key advantages over online-only marketing:

Tangibility – Print pieces can be touched, sampled and passed around physically. This makes a brand impression that lingers longer than a fleeting digital ad.

Credibility – There’s an air of credibility and quality conveyed through high-end printed collateral. Customers perceive it as a sign of a reputable, professionally run company.

Targetability – Print allows for highly targeted campaigns by geography, demographic or event. For example, brochures distributed at tastings or trade shows.

Preservation – Print marketing endures beyond its initial use. Items like booklets and rack cards can stick around on shelves and desks for later reference.

Emotional connection – Creative print design evokes emotion through visual storytelling in a way web content can’t always match. It taps into the reasons people buy premium products.

Bottle Neckers

Offline visibility – Print placements in liquor stores, restaurants and publications reach customers in their daily physical environments outside of screens.

Top Print Campaign Concepts

With these strengths in mind, here are some of the most impactful print campaign concepts Bottle Neckers has created for liquor brands over the years:

Sell Sheets

Sell sheets are the bread and butter of any wine/spirits portfolio. Ours feature vibrant photography, descriptive tasting notes and sales points tailored to different buyer personas like retailers and restaurateurs. Clean layouts make the case for why each product deserves shelf space.


Multi-page brochures deliver an immersive brand story and full tasting experience on paper. We design them to educate buyers on the heritage, production process and perfection of each product line through compelling copy and visuals on premium stock.

Tasting Booklets

Professionally designed three-fold tasting booklets provide an easy in-hand reference for demos, trade shows and events. Sections for each vintage, varietal or expression streamline the flow from intro to full sensory details.


Glossy postcards cut through clutter as leave-behinds. We print custom designs showcasing striking product shots that entice buyers to learn more. Perforated stamps allow for large mailings as affordable direct mailers.

Bottle Labels

High-resolution flexo or digital printing brings label designs to life with vibrant PMS colors and spot UV foiling on premium paper or synthetic stock. Descriptive typography and imagery reinforce the brand impression.

Bottle Neckers

Print Does More Than Online

While many companies rely primarily on email and web marketing today, print remains a staple of branding in the beverage industry. With strategic design and placement of collateral, Bottle Neckers helps liquor brands cut through the digital noise to make lasting connections with buyers.

The tangibility of print fosters the trust and emotional associations people seek when investing in luxury food and beverage products. Don’t hesitate to explore how customized print marketing can effectively promote your brand alongside digital efforts.

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